Delicious and Cute Teddy Bear Rice Cakes You’ll Adore!

teddy bear rice cakes

Looking for a fun and healthy snack that your kids will absolutely love? Try making these delicious and cute teddy bear rice cakes! This recipe involves spreading creamy peanut butter on a rice cake and adding sliced bananas for the mouth, blueberries for the eyes, and more banana slices for ears. These adorable rice cakes are perfect for a Teddy Bear picnic or as a breakfast treat. They’re quick to make and always a hit with kids.

Key Takeaways:

  • Teddy bear rice cakes are a fun and easy snack to make with kids.
  • They are made by spreading peanut butter on rice cakes and adding fruit for the face.
  • These cute snacks are perfect for a Teddy Bear picnic or as a breakfast treat.
  • They are healthy and loved by kids, making them a great alternative to traditional snacks.
  • Get creative and have fun customizing the teddy bear rice cakes with your favorite fruits and toppings.

How to Make Teddy Bear Rice Cakes: A Step-by-Step Guide

Let me walk you through the process of creating these adorable and tasty teddy bear rice cakes that are sure to be a hit with your family. These gluten-free rice cakes are not only fun-shaped but also make for nutritious snacks.

  1. Start by gathering all the ingredients you’ll need:
Ingredients: Quantity:
Rice cakes 4
Peanut butter (or any nut butter alternative) 1/2 cup
Bananas 2
Blueberries 8
Almonds (optional) A few for decoration
  1. Take a rice cake and spread a generous layer of peanut butter on top. This will act as the “glue” to hold the other ingredients in place.
  2. Next, slice one banana into thin rounds. Place two slices at the bottom of the rice cake to create the teddy bear’s mouth.
  3. Use two blueberries to make the teddy bear’s eyes, gently pressing them into the peanut butter above the mouth.
  4. Slice another banana into thin rounds. Take two slices and place them above the eyes to form the teddy bear’s ears.
  5. (Optional) If you want to add a finishing touch, use a few almonds to create a cute nose for your teddy bear rice cake.
  6. Repeat the process for the remaining rice cakes.

And there you have it! Delicious and cute teddy bear rice cakes that are not only visually appealing but also a healthy snack option for your family.

teddy bear rice cakes

These fun-shaped and nutritious rice snacks are perfect for a Teddy Bear picnic or as a delightful breakfast treat. The combination of creamy peanut butter, fresh bananas, and juicy blueberries creates a tasty flavor profile that kids will love. Plus, the gluten-free nature of the rice cakes makes them suitable for those with dietary restrictions.

So, why not gather your little ones and embark on a creative cooking adventure? Let their imagination soar as they help you transform simple rice cakes into adorable teddy bear creations. It’s a fun and interactive way to introduce healthy eating habits while indulging in a sweet treat. Enjoy!

Wrapping Up: Teddy Bear Rice Cakes Are Fun and Delicious!

In conclusion, teddy bear rice cakes are not only incredibly cute but also a versatile and tasty snack idea that your whole family will enjoy. These adorable rice cakes are a fun and easy snack to make with kids, bringing out their creativity and culinary skills. The recipe involves spreading creamy peanut butter on a rice cake, adding sliced bananas for the mouth, blueberries for the eyes, and more banana slices for ears. The result is a delightful treat that resembles cute teddy bears.

Not only are these rice cakes visually appealing, but they also offer a nutritious alternative to traditional snacks. By using gluten-free rice cakes as a base, teddy bear rice cakes can be enjoyed by those with dietary restrictions. The combination of peanut butter, bananas, and blueberries provides a good balance of healthy fats, carbohydrates, and vitamins. It’s a snack that you can feel good about serving to your little ones.

Whether you’re planning a Teddy Bear picnic or looking for a fun breakfast treat, teddy bear rice cakes are a fantastic option. They’re quick and easy to make, making them perfect for busy mornings or spontaneous snack times. Plus, they never fail to bring a smile to kids’ faces. The versatility of the recipe also allows for creativity in decorating the rice cakes, making each one unique and personalized.

In summary, teddy bear rice cakes are an adorable, delicious, and versatile snack that your family will love. They offer a healthy alternative to traditional snacks and are a fun bonding activity to enjoy with your kids. So the next time you’re looking for a tasty snack idea, give these cute rice cakes a try. They’re sure to become a favorite in your household!


How long does it take to make Teddy Bear Rice Cakes?

Making Teddy Bear Rice Cakes is quick and easy! It usually takes around 5-10 minutes to assemble these adorable snacks.

Are Teddy Bear Rice Cakes a healthy snack option?

Absolutely! Teddy Bear Rice Cakes are a great alternative to sugary snacks. They are made with gluten-free rice cakes and topped with nutritious ingredients like peanut butter and fresh fruit.

Can my kids help me make Teddy Bear Rice Cakes?

Yes, definitely! Making Teddy Bear Rice Cakes is a fun activity to do with kids. They can help spread the peanut butter, arrange the banana slices, and place the blueberries for the eyes. It’s a great way to get them involved in the kitchen!

Can I customize the toppings on Teddy Bear Rice Cakes?

Absolutely! You can get creative and customize the toppings based on your preferences. You can use different fruits like strawberries or raspberries instead of blueberries, or even add a drizzle of honey for extra sweetness. The possibilities are endless!

Can I make Teddy Bear Rice Cakes ahead of time?

While it’s best to assemble Teddy Bear Rice Cakes just before serving to keep them fresh and crunchy, you can definitely prepare the ingredients in advance. Slice the bananas and have everything ready to go, so you can quickly assemble the rice cakes when needed.

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